Purpose: Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) and Heritage Designation Bylaw applications have been received for 1324 Nanaimo Street to protect and restore the existing 1944 house. In exchange the HRA would allow subdivision and construction of a new 157 sq.m. (1,687 sq.ft.) infill house. The heritage house would be on a 400 sq.m. (4,315 sq.ft.) lot and the new house on a 296 sq.m. (3,194 sq.ft.) lot. Both houses would include secondary rental suites. The primary Zoning Bylaw relaxations proposed through the HRA for the heritage and infill houses include density, lot size, site coverage, front yard setbacks, and off-street parking spaces. Two additional relaxations are required to the proposed below grade windows and to the sunken patio for the infill house. One relaxation (to the floor space above grade) is required to regularize the existing heritage house.