Purpose: Applications have been received for an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment, Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) and Special Development Permit (SDP) to facilitate the seismic upgrade and restoration of the existing cathedral at 514 Carnarvon Street, and legally protect it with a Heritage Designation Bylaw. The applications would also enable the development of a 30 storey tower with a density of 6.59 floor space ratio (FSR), which would include 285 residential units, 14 of which would be secured for rent at market rates. The development would include a new parish hall at the base of the tower, a public plaza, and a publically-accessible pedestrian pathway including an elevator and staircase connecting Carnarvon Street to Clarkson Street. The OCP amendment would change the land use designation from “Residential- Mid Rise Apartment” to “Residential – Tower Apartment”.