Meeting held electronically and open to public attendance
Council Chamber, City Hall

We recognize and respect that New Westminster is on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Halkomelem speaking peoples. We acknowledge that colonialism has made invisible their histories and connections to the land. As a City, we are learning and building relationships with the people whose lands we are on.


LIVE WEBCAST: Please note City Council Meetings, Public Hearings, Council Workshops and some Special City Council Meetings are streamed online and are accessible through the City’s website at  

The Mayor will open the meeting and provide a land acknowledgement.

Mayor Cote will provide a statement regarding the bylaws under consideration, the conduct of the public hearing, and the expected conduct of all participants.

Purpose: The proposed Zoning Bylaw text amendment would allow a Liquor Primary (LP) licence as a permitted use at 735 Eighth Avenue. With the recent purchase of the property by the City, the Massey Theatre Society has submitted a concurrent but separate event-driven LP licence application to the Province in order to continue serving liquor in conjunction with theatre performances and other arts-related events, without having to apply for individual Special Event Permits for each event as in the past. The proposed occupant load is 1,819 persons (plus an additional 364 persons provided that they are solely in the Studio 1C gymnasium). The site’s primary use as a theatre remains the same, and no additions or exterior building changes are proposed.
As the City is the property owner, the public input process for the LP licence application will be conducted separately by the Province’s Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch.

Climate Action, Planning and Development staff will provide a description of the proposal.

Anyone who believes they are affected by the proposal will have five minutes to speak to Council. Registered speakers will be called first. If you have not registered, the Mayor will call for more speakers at the end of the registered speakers list, and you can speak to Council at that time.

Purpose: Applications have been received for a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) and Special Development Permit (SDP) to facilitate the retention, on-site relocation, restoration, and protection of the Woods House (1890) at 82 First Street and legally protect it with a Heritage Designation Bylaw. The applications would also enable the development of a six to eight storey multiple unit residential building. The proposal includes a total of 189 stratified residential units with a density of 3.29 FSR, including two units in the relocated Woods House. The City also gives notice of its intention to close to traffic a portion of Windsor Street and sell the closed road area to TPL Developments Royal Inc. for $1,580,000, as part of the redevelopment of the property. In addition to the purchase price, the developer will dedicate land to the City along the western property line to support the construction of a multi-use pathway from Cunningham Street to Royal Avenue.

Public Input received up until 5:00 p.m. on June 22, 2022 will be distributed with the Public Hearing Agenda. Later public input will be distributed on table at the Public Hearing.

Climate Action, Planning, and Development staff will provide a description of the proposal.

Anyone who believes they are affected by the proposal will have five minutes to speak to Council. Registered speakers will be called first. If you have not registered, the Mayor will call for more speakers at the end of the registered speakers list, and you can speak to Council at that time.

Purpose:  The City gives notice of its intention to close to traffic two portions of road (Area 1 and Area 2), remove the dedication of those areas as highway, and sell the closed road areas to QBT Properties Limited Partnership for $1,090,000. The closed road areas will be zoned as Comprehensive Development Districts (Mercer High Street) (CD-64) (Area 1) and Comprehensive Development Districts (Neighbourhood Oriented Commercial and Residential Mixed Use) (CD-65) (Area 2) and consolidated with adjacent properties with the same zoning. This will facilitate the development of ground-level commercial uses, with residential units above in some locations.

Anyone who believes they are affected by the proposal will have five minutes to speak to Council. Registered speakers will be called first. If you have not registered, the Mayor will call for more speakers at the end of the registered speakers list, and you can speak to Council at that time.





*Some personal information is collected and archived by the City of New Westminster under Section 26(g)(ii) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and for the purpose of the City’s ongoing commitment to open and transparent government. If you have any questions about the collection of personal information please contact Legislative Services, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, V3L 1H9, 604-527-4523.

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