Purpose: Applications have been received for a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) and Special Development Permit (SDP) to facilitate the retention, on-site relocation, restoration, and protection of the Woods House (1890) at 82 First Street and legally protect it with a Heritage Designation Bylaw. The applications would also enable the development of a six to eight storey multiple unit residential building. The proposal includes a total of 189 stratified residential units with a density of 3.29 FSR, including two units in the relocated Woods House. The City also gives notice of its intention to close to traffic a portion of Windsor Street and sell the closed road area to TPL Developments Royal Inc. for $1,580,000, as part of the redevelopment of the property. In addition to the purchase price, the developer will dedicate land to the City along the western property line to support the construction of a multi-use pathway from Cunningham Street to Royal Avenue.