Meeting held electronically and open to public attendance
Council Chamber, City Hall

We recognize and respect that New Westminster is on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Halkomelem speaking peoples. We acknowledge that colonialism has made invisible their histories and connections to the land. As a City, we are learning and building relationships with the people whose lands we are on.


LIVE WEBCAST: Please note City Council Meetings, Public Hearings, Council Workshops and some Special City Council Meetings are streamed online and are accessible through the City’s website at  

The Mayor will open the meeting and provide a land acknowledgement.

Urgent/time sensitive matters only

The City is considering a Development Variance Permit to vary the definition of “Security” in the City’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw. Aboriginal Land Trust has been approved by the City to construct an affordable housing project at 823-841 Sixth Street, which will be funded by BC Housing Management Commission. The variance will allow BC Housing to provide an “Indemnification Servicing Agreement” for offsite works to the City, in combination with a reduced letter of credit from the Developer, as an acceptable form of security for the project.

To provide Council with a resolution that can be forwarded to UBCM in support of the Library Board Request.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT The City of New Westminster write to the MLA for New Westminster, MLA for Richmond-Queensborough, and the BC Minister for Education; and

    THAT The City of New Westminster submit the following motion to UBCM:

    WHEREAS libraries in British Columbia are largely financed by levies paid by local governments, and where provincial library funding has remained stagnant for the past 10 years;

    AND WHEREAS public libraries are central to communities, provide equitable access to vital resources, including internet, computers, digital library tools and in-person services from expert staff which are essential for low-barrier services and support job seekers and small businesses, that increase literacy in communities, that advance reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, and that promote equity and inclusion;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of the BC Municipalities call on the Government of British Columbia to provide long-term sustainable funding for public libraries in BC and that the Province ensure that BC Libraries will henceforth receive regular increases to Provincial Government funding in subsequent years.

    AND THAT The City of New Westminster share the above motion with BC municipalities. 

If Council decides, all the recommendations in the reports on the Consent Agenda can be approved in one motion, without discussion. If Council wishes to discuss a report, that report is removed from the Consent Agenda. A report may be removed in order to discuss it, because someone wants to vote against the report’s recommendation, or because someone has a conflict of interest with the report. Any reports not removed from the Consent Agenda are passed without discussion.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council adopt the recommendations for items # on consent.

To request that Council: 1) rescind Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 8131, 2019; 2) rescind Housing Agreement Amendment Bylaw No. 8242, 2020; 3) consider Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8348, 2022 for First and Second Readings; and 4) waive the Public Hearing, as the Bylaw is consistent with the City’s Official Community Plan.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council rescind Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 8131, 2019.


    THAT Council rescind Housing Agreement Amendment Bylaw No. 8242, 2020.

    THAT Council consider Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8348, 2022 for First and Second Readings.

    THAT Council waive the Public Hearing, as the Bylaw is consistent with the City’s Official Community Plan.

    THAT Council direct staff to secure finalization of the Transportation Demand Management Strategy to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services as a condition of issuance of Development Permit.

The purpose of this report is to present the 2021 Annual Water Quality Monitoring Report to Council. This report is an annual requirement to summarize and maintain a record of the water quality monitoring data collected during the subject year.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT the 2021 Annual Water Quality Monitoring Report be received.

This report is to seek Council direction for staff to submit an application under the Age-Friendly Communities Grant Program, for the proposed project and related activities as outlined in this report, and for the City to accept overall grant management of the project and related activities.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council direct staff to submit an application under the Age-Friendly Communities Grant Program, as outlined in this report, and that the City accept overall grant management of the project and related activities.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council direct staff to submit an application under the Age-Friendly Communities Grant Program, as outlined in this report, and that the City accept overall grant management of the project and related activities.

To consider bylaws which would allow for the construction of 189 market strata units in a mid-rise building and within a relocated, protected and restored 1890 Woods House (82 First Street), and the offsite relocation of the 1930 Henderson House (112 Royal Avenue). Includes consideration of land sale and dedication to facilitate the development and a multi-use pathway.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT That Council consider Heritage Revitalization Agreement (108 – 118 Royal Avenue and 74 – 82 First Street) Bylaw 8339, 2022, Heritage Designation (82 First Street) Bylaw No. 8340, 2022, and Road Closure Bylaw and Land Disposition (Windsor Street) Bylaw No. 8350, 2022 for First and Second Readings, and forward the Bylaws to a Public Hearing; and

    THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Corporate Officer to sign the Road Closure and Land Exchange Agreement which includes the sale of a portion of the Windsor Street right of way adjacent to the proposed development and the dedication of new road (intended to be used for a multi-use pathway) adjacent to Qayqayt Elementary School, should Council adopt Road Closure Bylaw and Land Disposition (Windsor Street) Bylaw No. 8350, 2022.

To request Council consider Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 8316, 2022 for First, Second and Third Readings and direct the Mayor and Corporate Officer to sign and execute the Housing Agreement and associated Section 219 Covenant to provide a legal framework for operating and maintaining the affordable rental units.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council consider Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 8316, 2022 to authorize the City to enter into a Housing Agreement with the property owner to facilitate the creation of 96 affordable rental units to be secured for 60 years of the building;

    THAT Council consider Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 8316, 2022 for First, Second and Third Readings; and

    THAT Council direct the Mayor and Corporate Officer to sign and execute the Housing Agreement and associated Section 219 Covenant following the adoption of the Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 8316, 2022.

To request that Council consider bylaws which would allow for the construction of a 30 storey tower which includes at its base new space for the Holy Trinity Parish and 285 residential units above, 14 of which would be secured for rental at market rates, as well as restoration and a seismic upgrade of the existing 1899 cathedral which would be protected by a Heritage Designation Bylaw, in addition to creation of a privately owned publically accessible plaza and pedestrian connection from Carnarvon Street to the Columbia Street SkyTrain Station.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council consider Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (514 Carnarvon Street) No. 8088, 2022 for First Reading;

    THAT Council consider Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (514 Carnarvon Street) No. 8088, 2022 in conjunction with the City’s Capital Expenditure Program as contained in the Five Year Financial Plan and the Region’s Solid Waste Management Plan and Liquid Waste Management Plan, of which the subject OCP Amendment Bylaw is hereby deemed to be consistent with said program and plan in accordance with Section 477(3)(a) of the Local Government Act;

    THAT Council consider Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (514 Carnarvon Street) No. 8088, 2022 for Second Reading and forward it to a Public Hearing;

    THAT Council consider First and Second Readings of Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw (514 Carnarvon Street) No. 8089, 2022 and Heritage Designation Bylaw (514 Carnarvon Street) No. 8090, 2022 and forward these bylaws to an upcoming Public Hearing;

    THAT Council endorse the Housing Agreement principles as outlined in Attachment 6 and consider Housing Agreement Bylaw 8338, 2022 for First and Second Readings.

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with details on the 2023 Parks and Recreation proposed fee adjustments and to recommend endorsement by Council.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council consider first, second and third readings to Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw, No. 8343, 2022, a bylaw to amend the Parks and Recreation Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 6673, 2001 (Attachment “A”).

To seek Council’s approval of the proposed 2022 Quarter 1 Capital Budget Adjustments & Revised 2022 Capital Budget: (1) Adjust the underestimated 2022 Carryover Spending by $4.8M; (2) Adjust for net budget increases of $13.8M; and (3) Approve the proposed revised 2022 Multi-Year Capital Budget of $189.4M.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council approves the 2022 Quarter 1 capital budget adjustments as outlined in Attachment 1 of this report.

To request Council consider the proposed Zoning Amendment and Housing Agreement bylaws, which would facilitate a secured market rental housing development.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council consider Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8345, 2022 for First and Second Readings, and forward the Bylaw to a Public Hearing.

    THAT Council consider for First, Second, and Third Readings Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 8346, 2022 to authorize the City to enter into a Housing Agreement with the property owner to require that all residential units at 1321 Cariboo Street be secured as market rental housing.

The purpose of this report is to request that Council consider the proposed Road Closure and Disposition Bylaw, and Zoning Amendment Bylaw for two surplus road allowances in the Queensborough Eastern Neighbourhood Node. The road allowances would be consolidated with adjacent properties and would be developed in accordance with the Queensborough Community Plan and the Master Plan for the area.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council Consider First and Second Readings for Road Closure Bylaw No. 8347, 2022 and schedule a Public Hearing on June 27, 2022, for surplus road allowances in the Queensborough Eastern Neighbourhood Node; and

    THAT Council consider First and Second Readings for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8351, 2022 and forward the bylaw to a Public Hearing on June 27, 2022.


To enable construction of a mixed-use, 100% secured market rental project at 616 and 640 Sixth Street. This bylaw is on the agenda for TWO READINGS.

Public Hearings are sometimes held for zoning amendments. Because this bylaw is consistent with the Official Community Plan, staff have recommended that the Public Hearing be waived by Council.

This bylaw will enable the development of a six to eight storey multiple unit residential building with 189 stratified residential units and a density of 3.29 FSR in exchange for the retention, on-site relocation, restoration, and protection of the Woods House (1890) at 82 First Street. This bylaw is on the agenda for TWO READINGS.

A Public Hearing will be held for this bylaw.

This bylaw will legally protect the Woods House (built 1890) at 82 First Street and designate it as protected heritage property. This bylaw is on the agenda for TWO READINGS.

A Public Hearing will be held for this bylaw.

This bylaw will authorize the sale and closure of a 404.7 square metres portion of Windsor Street. This bylaw is on the agenda for TWO READINGS.

A Public Hearing will be held for this bylaw.

This bylaw will amend the land use designation in the Official Community Plan of 514 Carnarvon Street from “Residential – Mid Rise Apartment” to “Residential – Tower Apartment”. This bylaw is on the agenda for TWO READINGS.

A Public Hearing will be held for this bylaw.

This bylaw will allow development of a 30 storey, 6.59 FSR tower with 271 market condo units, 14 secured market rental units (285 total), and institutional-use space for the Parish at the tower base in exchange for the retention, on-site relocation, restoration, and protection of the Holy Trinity Cathedral; publicly accessible plaza space; public pedestrian connection improvements; and onsite public art. This bylaw is on the agenda for TWO READINGS.

A Public Hearing will be held for this bylaw.

This bylaw will legally protect the Holy Trinity Cathedral (built 1899) at  514 Carnarvon Street and designate it as protected heritage property. This bylaw is on the agenda for TWO READINGS.

A Public Hearing will be held for this bylaw.

To facilitate a 15 unit secured market rental housing development. This bylaw is on the agenda for TWO READINGS.

A Public Hearing will be held for this bylaw.

This bylaw will close two surplus roads in the Queensborough Eastern Neighbourhood Node, which will allow them to be sold and zoned for development.. This bylaw is on the agenda for TWO READINGS.

A Public Hearing will be held for this bylaw.

This bylaw will zone two surplus roads in the Queensborough Eastern Neighbourhood Node, which will be closed and consolidated with adjacent properties with the same zoning in order to facilitate development in the Node. This bylaw is on the agenda for TWO READINGS.

A Public Hearing will be held for this bylaw.

To enter into a housing agreement to secure 96 non-market rental units. This bylaw is on the agenda for THREE READINGS.

A bylaw to secure at least 14 dwelling units that will only be available for occupancy as rental housing. This bylaw is on the agenda for THREE READINGS.

A bylaw to set the Parks & Recreation Fees and Charges for 2023. This bylaw is on the agenda for THREE READINGS.

To authorize the City to enter into a Housing Agreement with the property owner that will secure all proposed units at 1321 Cariboo Street as market rental housing. This bylaw is on the agenda for THREE READINGS.

To designate the 1889 house at 328 Second Street as a protected heritage property.  This bylaw is on the agenda for ADOPTION.

To enable construction of a duplex at 122 Eighth Avenue.  This bylaw is on the agenda for ADOPTION.

To enable construction of a triplex at 817 St. Andrews Street.  This bylaw is on the agenda for ADOPTION.

WHEREAS a healthy environment is essential for the wellbeing of residents, local communities and local economies; 

AND WHEREAS the cumulative impacts of lacking environmental regulations impose costs and risks on local communities, including risks associated with climate change, drinking water supply, wildfire hazard, flooding, and security of municipal infrastructure, and may undermine local government planning;

AND WHEREAS protecting and restoring biological diversity and ecosystem health provides an opportunity for strengthening relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, advancing the objective of reconciliation; 

AND WHEREAS the provincial government has committed to fully implement the recommendations of the 2020 Old Growth Strategic Review (OGSR), including recommendation 2: “Declare conservation of ecosystem health and biodiversity of British Columbia’s forests as an overarching priority and enact legislation that legally establishes this priority for all sectors”;

AND WHEREAS New Westminster residents are passionate about protection of the natural environment and support measures to safeguard and restore biological diversity and ecosystem health.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of New Westminster calls on the Province of British Columbia, in partnership with Indigenous leadership, to develop and communicate in a timely way the process and timelines through which they will develop new legislation to protect and restore biological diversity and ecosystem health, in a manner consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and with the involvement of local governments, civil society groups, Indigenous and western scientific experts, and the concerned public. 



*Some personal information is collected and archived by the City of New Westminster under Section 26(g)(ii) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and for the purpose of the City’s ongoing commitment to open and transparent government. If you have any questions about the collection of personal information please contact Legislative Services, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, V3L 1H9, 604-527-4523.

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