COMMUNITY HERITAGE COMMISSION AGENDAWednesday, October 06, 2021 at 6:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.m.Meeting held electronically and open to public attendancein Council Chamber, City Hall1.CALL TO ORDER 2.INTRODUCTIONS AND ICEBREAKERS 3.CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Additions or deletion of items.4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS 4.1September 1, 2021 1.CHC 2021 Sep 1 Minutes(1).pdf5.REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS Staff and guest reports and presentations for information, discussion, and/or action5.1Heritage Revitalization Agreement Application: 323 Regina Street 1.CHC-HRA Application 323 Regina Street Staff Report-391.pdf2.App A - Site Context Map.pdf3.App B - Proposed Design Plans.pdf4.App C - Proposed Project Statistics and Relaxations.pdf5.App D - Special Limited Study Heritage Value Assessment Heritage Conservation Plan and Statement of Significance.pdf6.App E - Heritage Professional Review Memo of Work Completed in 2019 and 2020.pdfTo review the application’s heritage elements and provide a recommendation to Council.5.2Heritage Revitalization Agreement Application: 102 Seventh Avenue 1.CHC-102 Seventh Ave-Staff Report-Oct 6 2021 - 2021-390.pdf2.Appendix A - Site Context Map.pdf3.Appendix B - Proposed Design Plans.pdf4.Appendix C - Heritage Conservation Plan and Statement of Significance.pdf5.Appendix D - Project Relaxations and Statistics Summary.pdfTo review the application’s heritage elements and provide a recommendation to Council.5.3Heritage Review (Demolition): 909-915 Twelfth Street 1.909 Twelfth Street CHC Report October 6 2021 - 2021-397.pdf2.Appendix A Location Map.pdf3.Appendix B Heritage Assessment.pdf4.Appendix C Architectural Drawings.pdf5.Appendix D Photos of Commercial Buildings.pdfTo review the heritage value of the buildings and provide a recommendation on demolition.5.4Heritage Review (Demolition): 1212 and 1214 Fifth Avenue 1.1212 and 1214 Fifth Ave - CHC Demo Report - 2021-396.pdf2.Appendix A - Photos of 1212 Fifth Avenue.pdf3.Appendix B - Photos of 1214 Fifth Avenue.pdf4.Appendix C - Site Context Map.pdf5.Appendix D - Heritage Assessment for 1212 Fifth Avenue.pdf6.Appendix E - Heritage Assessment for 1214 Fifth Avenue.pdfTo review the heritage value of the buildings and provide a recommendation on demolition.5.5Heritage Review (Demolition): 848 Fifth Street 1.848 Fifth Street - CHC Demo Report - 2021-395.pdf2.Appendix A - Photos.pdf3.Appendix B - Site Context Map.pdf4.Appendix C - Heritage Assessment.pdf5.Appendix D - Letters from Applicant.pdfTo review the heritage value of the building and provide a recommendation on demolition.5.6Heritage Review (Demolition): 1031 Cornwall Street 1.Heritage Review (Demolition) 1031 Cornwall Street - 2021-392.pdf2.Appendix A - Site Context Map(1).pdf3.Appendix B- Heritage Assessment.pdfTo review the heritage value of the building and provide a recommendation on demolition.5.7Heritage Revitalization Agreement Refresh: Timeline and Work Plan 1.Heritage Revitalization Agreement Refresh Timeline and Work Plan - 2021-393.pdfTo provide information on the status of this Development Services policy project, including timeline and workplan overview.5.8Feasibility Study for 302 Royal Avenue (Museum & Archives Annex Building) 1.302_Royal_Ave_Feasibility_Study - 2021-402.pdfTo inform on a potential future redevelopment of the City-owned building adjacent to the Irving House, a protected heritage property.6.STANDING REPORTS AND UPDATES Regular and ongoing reports from staff or members for information and discussion.6.1General Inquiries from the Commission 6.2Demolition Permit Applications Issued from August 26, 2021 to September 24, 2021. 1.CHC DEMO MEMO - 2 - 2021-401.pdfTo inform the Commission of demolition permits issued from August 26, 2021 to September 24, 2021.7.NEW BUSINESS Items added to the agenda at the beginning of the meeting.8.END OF MEETING 9.UPCOMING MEETINGS Remaining scheduled meetings, which take place at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted: November 3, 2021 December 1, 2021 No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.CHC 2021 Sep 1 Minutes(1).pdf1.1212 and 1214 Fifth Ave - CHC Demo Report - 2021-396.pdf2.Appendix A - Photos of 1212 Fifth Avenue.pdf3.Appendix B - Photos of 1214 Fifth Avenue.pdf4.Appendix C - Site Context Map.pdf5.Appendix D - Heritage Assessment for 1212 Fifth Avenue.pdf6.Appendix E - Heritage Assessment for 1214 Fifth Avenue.pdf1.302_Royal_Ave_Feasibility_Study - 2021-402.pdf1.848 Fifth Street - CHC Demo Report - 2021-395.pdf2.Appendix A - Photos.pdf3.Appendix B - Site Context Map.pdf4.Appendix C - Heritage Assessment.pdf5.Appendix D - Letters from Applicant.pdf1.909 Twelfth Street CHC Report October 6 2021 - 2021-397.pdf2.Appendix A Location Map.pdf3.Appendix B Heritage Assessment.pdf4.Appendix C Architectural Drawings.pdf5.Appendix D Photos of Commercial Buildings.pdf1.CHC DEMO MEMO - 2 - 2021-401.pdf1.CHC-102 Seventh Ave-Staff Report-Oct 6 2021 - 2021-390.pdf2.Appendix A - Site Context Map.pdf3.Appendix B - Proposed Design Plans.pdf4.Appendix C - Heritage Conservation Plan and Statement of Significance.pdf5.Appendix D - Project Relaxations and Statistics Summary.pdf1.CHC-HRA Application 323 Regina Street Staff Report-391.pdf2.App A - Site Context Map.pdf3.App B - Proposed Design Plans.pdf4.App C - Proposed Project Statistics and Relaxations.pdf5.App D - Special Limited Study Heritage Value Assessment Heritage Conservation Plan and Statement of Significance.pdf6.App E - Heritage Professional Review Memo of Work Completed in 2019 and 2020.pdf1.Heritage Review (Demolition) 1031 Cornwall Street - 2021-392.pdf2.Appendix A - Site Context Map(1).pdf3.Appendix B- Heritage Assessment.pdf1.Heritage Revitalization Agreement Refresh Timeline and Work Plan - 2021-393.pdf