Regular Council

Council Chamber, Second Floor & Zoom
New Westminster City Hall, 511 Royal Avenue

We recognize and respect that New Westminster is on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Halkomelem speaking peoples. We acknowledge that colonialism has made invisible their histories and connections to the land. As a City, we are learning and building relationships with the people whose lands we are on.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the Agenda for the March 10, 2025 Regular Council meeting be approved.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Items No. ___ through ___ be adopted by general consent.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the Minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on February 24, 2025 be adopted as circulated.

To request Council place a Remedial Action Requirement (“Remedial Action”) on the Owners of 707 Queens Avenue regarding unsightly and unsafe conditions.

  • Recommendation

    1.  THAT Council receive the report from the Director of Planning and Development dated March 10, 2025 regarding the structures and materials remaining after a January 31, 2025 fire (the “Fire”) affecting the two-storey dwelling (the “House”) and the garage (the “Garage”) located on land legally described as PID: 009-415-831 with the civic address of 707 Queens Avenue, New Westminster (the “Property”) and note the concerns, as stated in the report and its attachments, that:

    a.  the House is substantially damaged by fire;

    b.  the interior of the House is not protected from the elements – water and animals are able to enter via holes in the roof and walls and blown out windows;

    c.  there is significant structural damage to studs and the roof, with portions of the roof collapsing;

    d.  the Garage is completely destroyed;

    e.  there are copious amounts of combustible waste materials in and around the House that creates a fire hazard for neighbouring structures and the community; and

    f.  there have been persistent attempts of unauthorized entry into the Property, despite fencing being raised to prevent same.

    2.  THAT Council, under the authority provided by sections 72 and 73 of the Community Charter, find the House, and the Property generally, to be in and to create an unsafe condition.

    3.  THAT Council, under the authority provided by sections 72 and 74 of the Community Charter, declare the House, and the Property generally, to be so dilapidated and unclean as to be offensive to the community.

    4.  THAT Council hereby require the registered owner of the Property, United Revenue Properties (the “Owner”) to submit to the City of New Westminster a complete application for a demolition permit and, upon issuance of such permit, demolish the House and clean up the Property.

    5.  THAT Council further require the Owner to ensure that all waste, debris and discarded materials be removed from the Property and be disposed of at an appropriate waste disposal facility; and

    6.  THAT the time specified by Council for the completion of the requirements (the “Remedial Action Requirement”) imposed on the Owner by this resolution be as follows:

    a.  the application for a permit or permits to demolish the House must be submitted no later than 31 days after the day that notice of this resolution has been sent to the Owner in accordance with Section 77(1) of the Community Charter; and

    b.  all other work required to fulfill the Remedial Action Requirement must be completed no later than 120 days after the day that notice of this resolution has been sent to the Owner in accordance with Section 77(1) of the Community Charter.

    7.  THAT Council direct City staff to send the notice to all affected persons as required by section 77 of the Community Charter; and

    8.  THAT if the Owner fails to comply with all or part of the Remedial Action Requirement within the time required, that Council hereby authorize City staff to fulfill the Remedial Action Requirement by:

    a.  retaining a contractor in accordance with the City’s procurement policy;

    b.  posting a notice on the House advising that the City will be demolishing the House in no less than 31 days from the date the notice is posted;

    c.  together with the contractor, entering onto the Property and demolish the House; and

    d.  seeking recovery of the cost of acting on the Owner’s default in accordance with section 17 [municipal action at defaulter's expense] and section 258 [special fees may be collected as property taxes] of the Community Charter.

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with a status report on the progress that has been made toward achieving the objectives of the Strategic Priorities Plan which was adopted by Council on May 8, 2023, and seek confirmation that the priorities, lenses and foundations continue to be supported.

  • Recommendation
    1. THAT the report titled “Council Strategic Priorities Plan – First Semi-Annual Report for 2025” from the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer dated March 10, 2025 be received for information.
    2. THAT the priorities, lenses and foundations as adopted by Council on May 8 2023 be confirmed as reflective of Council’s priorities.

To present Council with an amendment bylaw to Street and Sidewalk Patio Bylaw No. 8318, 2022 that would align patio closing hours on private and public property.

  • Recommendation
    1. THAT Street and Sidewalk Patio Bylaw No. 8318, 2022, Amendment Bylaw No. 8514, 2025 be given first, second and third readings;
    2. THAT staff be directed to endorse the applications of establishments with existing patios on public property that apply to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch for increased hours.

To inform the community that the City of New Westminster has been awarded $1,466,230 from Health Canada’s Emergency Treatment Fund for the two-year Crises Response Pilot Project.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receive this Federal Government funding announcement for information.

This report seeks Council’s approval of a revision to the Arts, Culture and Economic Development Advisory Committee Terms of Reference to increase its membership to include a voting member from the Sapperton Business Collective.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the Terms of Reference of the Arts, Culture and Economic Development Advisory Committee, included as Attachment 2 to the staff report titled “Proposed Revised Terms of Reference for the Arts, Culture and Economic Development Advisory Committee” dated March 10, 2025 from the Acting Director, Community Services, be approved as revised to include a voting member from the Sapperton Business Collective.

To provide Council with the Housing Target Order Six Month Interim Progress Report for New Westminster for the period between August 1, 2024 and January 31, 2025, as per Section 4 of the Housing Supply Act.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the Housing Target Order Six Month Interim Progress Report, as contained in Attachment 1: Housing Target Order Six Month Interim Progress Report be received for information

To request that Council consider the recommendations for Subdivision and Development Control Amendment Bylaw No. 8515, 2025.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw No. 7142, 2007, Miscellaneous Amendments Bylaw No. 8515, 2025 be introduced and given first, second and third readings.

Submitted by Councillor Fontaine



WHEREAS there has been significant growth in Queensborough over the past decade with the population now estimated at over 11,000 people; and

WHEREAS Queensborough high school students face significant challenges getting to and from New West Secondary School each day; and

WHEREAS the School District 40 has been asking for capital funding to construct a new high school in Queensborough since 2022; and

WHEREAS New West Secondary School is over capacity with more than 2600 students - making it the largest high school in British Columbia;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT a letter be written to the Minister of Education in support of School District 40’s ongoing requests for site acquisition to build a new high school in Queensborough.

Submitted by Councillor Minhas

WHEREAS there has been considerable feedback received by the City of New Westminster regarding the ‘rewilding’ and ‘naturalizing’ of the 5th and 2nd Street boulevards in Queen’s Park as part of our Biodiversity Strategy; and

WHEREAS it is important to properly consult with local residents before any further ‘rewilding’ or ‘naturalizing’ of the boulevards in Queen’s Park which is covered by a Heritage Conservation Agreement

BE IT RESOLVED THAT that the City’s Biodiversity Strategy, as it pertains to the ‘rewilding’ and ‘naturalizing’ of Second Street and Fifth Street boulevards, be placed on hold until October 2026; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a neighbourhood consultation plan be developed and shared with Council regarding any future ‘naturalizing’ or ‘rewilding’ of the boulevards in Queen’s Park or other neighbourhoods throughout the City.

Submitted by Councillor Fontaine

WHEREAS the City of New Westminster faces a significant infrastructure deficit when it comes to public assets like sports and recreation facilities and community centres; and

WHEREAS local taxpayers should have the highest level of priority to access various programs and services offered by the City of New Westminster; and

WHEREAS the City of Delta offers their families a two-week head start to register for all recreation programs, including swimming and skating lessons;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff report back to Council regarding options for consideration to significantly enhance a “Priority New West” policy that provides local residents and businesses with priority access to City operated programs and services; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the report include a comparison of other jurisdictions in our region regarding what initiatives they have implemented to provide their citizens and business owners with priority access.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the following bylaws be adopted:

To amend the Official Community Plan land use designation for the subject site from Queensborough Commercial to Queensborough Mixed Employment.

Opposition at 1st/2nd Reading – None.
Opposition at 3rd Reading – None.

To rezone the subject site from Comprehensive Development District (1084 Tanaka Court) (CD-82) to Light Industrial Districts (M-1).

Opposition at 1st/2nd Reading – None.
Opposition at 3rd Reading – None.

To authorize the expenditure of up to $1.53 million from the Development Cost Charge Reserve Funds.

Opposition at 1st/2nd/3rd Reading – None.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the meeting adjourn.


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