, Immediately following the Public Hearing that begins at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting held electronically and open to public attendance
Council Chamber, City Hall

We recognize and respect that New Westminster is on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Halkomelem speaking peoples. We acknowledge that colonialism has made invisible their histories and connections to the land. As a City, we are learning and building relationships with the people whose lands we are on.


LIVE WEBCAST: Please note City Council Meetings, Public Hearings, Council Workshops and some Special City Council Meetings are streamed online and are accessible through the City’s website at  

The Mayor will open the meeting and provide a land acknowledgement.

Urgent/time sensitive matters only

To amend the land use designation and Development Permit Area for the subject site to permit a 10-unit townhouse development.  This bylaw is on the agenda for THIRD READING.

To rezone the subject site to a site-specific Comprehensive Development District to permit a townhouse development.  This bylaw is on the agenda for THIRD READING.

If Council decides, all the recommendations in the reports on the Consent Agenda can be approved in one motion, without discussion. If Council wishes to discuss a report, that report is removed from the Consent Agenda. A report may be removed in order to discuss it, because someone wants to vote against the report’s recommendation, or because someone has a conflict of interest with the report. Any reports not removed from the Consent Agenda are passed without discussion.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council adopt the recommendations for items # on consent.

This reports seeks Council’s approval of the City’s 2023 Tax Rates Bylaw as presented in Attachment 1.

  • Recommendation:

    That Council give three readings to the Tax Rates Bylaw No. 8395, 2023 as presented in Attachment #1 of this report.

To seek Council’s approval to establish a City Hall Community Art Exhibition Program. This initiative was developed in response to a past Council motion asking staff to look at ways to reimagine the space and walls outside Council Chambers to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council approve the establishment of a City Hall Community Art Exhibition Program as outlined in this report.

To request that Council grant an exemption to Signia Construction Ltd. from Construction Noise Bylaw No. 6063, 1992 to repair the deteriorating roof and to install exterior insulation and cladding which will increase energy efficiency of the envelope. The contractor proposes to work concurrently on multiple elevations, different stages of the project and multiple sides of the building. Of note, the construction is anticipated to occur within 100 meters of more than 400 residential units for a period of up to 18 months.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council grant a noise exemption to Signia Construction Ltd. from Construction Noise Bylaw No. 6063, 1992 from 8 pm to 11 pm Monday through Friday, excluding Saturday nights and Statutory Holidays, but including alternating Sundays from 9 am to 6 pm, for the purposes of re-roofing and adding insulation and cladding to the exterior of the Provincial Courthouse from April 24, 2023 to July 31, 2023.

To provide Council with a Scope of Work for the development of an economic impact model, specific to New Westminster, that can be used by multiple departments to quantify the economic impacts of a policy, program(s) or facility.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council endorse the scope of work for an economic impact model and direct Staff to issue a Request for Proposals.

This report presents the Queen’s Park Farm Master Plan (the “Plan”) as developed with a “habitat + grow” theme to support new, year-round programs and activities for the former petting farm space. Supported by a two-phase community engagement process, this report shares the preferred option and phased implementation of the Plan.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council adopt the Queen’s Park Farm Master Plan, as outlined in this report and included as Attachment A, and

    THAT staff proceed with next steps as outlined in this report.

To release recent appointments to the Accessibility Advisory Committee to the public.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council receive the report titled, “Recruitment 2023: Appointments to the Accessibility Advisory Committee,“ for information.

This report provides Council with information on the development proposal for 810 Agnes Street and 815-821 Victoria Street, and requests that the applications for rezoning and housing agreements be considered and that no Public Hearing be held following circulation of notice in accordance with the Local Government Act.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT the application to rezone 810 Agnes Street and 815-821 Victoria Street be considered and no Public Hearing held, in accordance with the Local Government Act.

    THAT notification be circulated in accordance with the Local Government Act.

    THAT a Housing Agreement Bylaw to secure 352 secured market rental housing units at 810 Agnes Street and 815-821 Victoria Street be forwarded to Council for consideration.

To recognize the New Westminster Salmonbellies Senior A Lacrosse Club and their games as having municipal significance in relation to LCRB licensing and standard pricing purposes.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council support the declaration of the New Westminster Salmonbellies Senior A Lacrosse Club games to be of municipal significance and forward this resolution to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch.



To amend the Building Bylaw to align with changes to the BC Building Code. This bylaw is on the agenda for ADOPTION.

To approve the City’s consolidated Financial Plan for 2023 through 2027.  This bylaw is on the agenda for ADOPTION.

To set the tax rates for 2023.  This bylaw is on the agenda for THREE READINGS.

Submitted by Councillor Fontaine

Whereas the Pattullo Bridge is an iconic part of the City of New Westminster’s history; and

Whereas the historic Pattullo Bridge will be decommissioned and replaced by a wider, more modern bridge which will be operational in 2024; and

Whereas the public should be provided with a unique opportunity to experience the Pattullo Bridge without truck and vehicle traffic

BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor write a letter on behalf of Council to the BC Ministry of Transportation to determine the feasibility of opening the Pattullo Bridge to pedestrian, cycle and other non-vehicular modes of transportation for a period of three days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) subsequent to the opening of the new bridge; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council enter into discussions with the Ministry of Transportation to facilitate a community-based celebration of the existing Pattullo Bridge by way of an ‘on bridge’ day-long street festival during the three day public access period

Submitted by Councillor Minhas

Whereas the City of New Westminster introduced a Tree Protection and Regulation Bylaw in 2016; and

Whereas the overall tree canopy within the City of New Westminster has continued to decline since the introduction of the Tree Protection and Regulation bylaw; and

Whereas it is important to regularly review bylaws for their effectiveness

Whereas there is increasing evidence that trees and other greenspaces offer significant health and well-being benefits, including reduced deaths from cardiovascular disease and improved mental health outcomes.

BE IT RESOLVED that staff be directed to report back to Council regarding the costs, potential sources of funding and operational impacts pertaining to the City conducting an independent and arms-length review and public consultation regarding the effectiveness of our Tree Protection and Regulation Bylaw

This report is to inform Council of the current initiatives in response to heat related events and information regarding Emergency Preparedness Week, May 7-13th, 2023.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council receive this report for information.



*Some personal information is collected and archived by the City of New Westminster under Section 26(g)(ii) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and for the purpose of the City’s ongoing commitment to open and transparent government. If you have any questions about the collection of personal information please contact Legislative Services, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, V3L 1H9, 604-527-4523.

On March 28, 2023 the Government of Canada tabled a budget for the upcoming fiscal year and a three year plan. This report outlines the federal funding commitments over the three year fiscal plan of interest to local governments.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council accept the following report for information.

The purpose of this report is to provide City Council with Anvil Centre Operations information related to questions regarding Anvil Centre.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council accept this memo as information regarding the operations of Anvil Centre.

To inform Council about the overall demographic profile of registered users of the City’s Be Heard New West online engagement platform as of February 2023, as it compares with the overall demographic profile of New Westminster from the 2021 Census.

  • Recommendation:

    That Council receive this report for information.

No Item Selected