Regular Council

Council Chamber, Second Floor & Zoom
New Westminster City Hall, 511 Royal Avenue

We recognize and respect that New Westminster is on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Halkomelem speaking peoples. We acknowledge that colonialism has made invisible their histories and connections to the land. As a City, we are learning and building relationships with the people whose lands we are on.

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  • Recommendation

    THAT the Agenda for the February 24, 2025 Regular Council meeting be approved.

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  • Recommendation

    THAT Items No. ___ through ___ be adopted by general consent.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the Minutes of the Special Council meeting held on February 10, 2025 be adopted as circulated.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on February 10, 2025 be adopted as circulated.

The purpose of this report is to obtain Council’s approval of DCC Reserve Funds Expenditure Bylaw No. 8513, 2025 authorizing expenditures from the City’s DCC Reserves.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Development Cost Charge Reserve (DCC) Funds Expenditure Bylaw No. 8513, 2025 (Attachment 1) to authorize a total expenditure of $1.53M from the DCC Reserves be introduced and given first, second, and third readings.

To seek Council’s approval of a proposed policy on the routine release of Closed Council resolutions.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the policy on the Routine Release of Closed Council Resolutions, as included as Attachment 3 to the staff report titled “Policy on Routine Release of Closed Council Resolutions” dated February 24, 2025 from the Corporate Officer, be adopted.

The purpose of this report is to request Council direction to: 1) delegate to staff construction noise bylaw exemption requests from senior government agencies; 2) develop a Council policy to guide those approvals, including additional limits to exemptions on weekends/holidays, and a process to inform Council of approved exemptions; 3) implement an on-line application for all construction noise exemption requests, toward improving customer service and reducing Council time and staff resources on senior government agency exemption requests, 100% of which have been approved by Council in the past five years.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council direct staff to:

    1. Prepare and bring forward for Council consideration the necessary bylaw to amend Construction Noise Bylaw No. 6063, 1992, as outlined in the Discussion section of the February 24, 2025 report titled “Proposed Delegation of Select Construction Noise Bylaw Exemption Requests,“ that would delegate to staff only requests for exemptions from Metro Vancouver and TransLink.


    2. Prepare and bring forward for Council endorsement a Council policy, to guide delegated approvals, including a system to notify Council of approved senior government agency applications, at their issuance.


    3. Develop an on-line application for construction noise exemption requests, as part of the Planning and Development Department’s ongoing e-permitting project.

This report and attachments respond to Council’s direction to staff in May 2024 to report back on the Community Advisory Assembly’s 12 recommendations to the City on advancing Community Belonging and Connecting, including information on related City work plans and high-level feasibility.

  • Recommendation

    THAT staff be directed to continue work that is already underway that relates to furthering the Community Advisory Assembly’s recommendations on belonging and connecting, and to explore potential additional actions where feasible.

To report back on the proposed resolution regarding tracking and reporting of votes on motions and resolutions to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association in accordance with the Notice of Motion policy.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the proposed resolution titled “Tracking and Reporting of Votes on Motions and Resolutions” included as Attachment 1 to the staff report titled “Response to Notice of Motion: Lower Mainland Local Government Association Tracking and Reporting of Votes on Motions and Resolutions” from the Corporate Officer, dated February 24, 2025, be endorsed for submission to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association.

To report back on the proposed resolution to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association regarding vape shops in accordance with the Notice of Motion policy.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the proposed resolution titled “Regulating Vape Shops” included as Attachment 1 to the staff report titled “Response to Notice of Motion: Vape Shops” from the Corporate Officer, dated February 24, 2025, be endorsed for submission to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association.

To report back on the costs associated with holding additional Regular Council meetings at Queensborough Community Centre and to seek Council’s approval to hold the April 7, 2025 Regular Council meeting at Queensborough Community Centre.

  • Recommendation

    1. THAT the report titled “Response to Referral: Costs and Logistical Needs to Convene Additional Regular Council Meetings at Queensborough Community Centre” from the Corporate Officer, dated February 24, 2025, be received for information.

    2. THAT the April 7, 2025 Regular Council meeting be held at Queensborough Community Centre.

To recommend that the City execute and deliver the Next Generation 911 Implementation and Operation Contract with the Metro Vancouver Regional District.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute and deliver the Next Generation 9-1-1 Implementation and Operation Contract with the Metro Vancouver Regional District.

Submitted by Councillor Fontaine

WHEREAS the ongoing challenges of mental health, substance use, homelessness, public safety, and community well-being have become urgent priorities for communities across British Columbia, and;

WHEREAS local governments have a critical role in addressing these challenges and ensuring the well-being of residents, particularly in the areas of substance use treatment, recovery supports, sheltering, and community safety;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of New Westminster hereby directs the following actions to be communicated to the provincial government for immediate consideration:

  1. Engagement with Local Governments: Direct the Minister of Health to engage directly with local governments to assess the need for substance use treatment and supports in each community, and to improve local-government involvement in the creation of community-specific mental health supports.
  2. Expansion of Detox and Recovery Services: Direct the Minister of Health to immediately expand access to detox beds, sobering beds, and stabilizing beds across communities in British Columbia, ensuring that people in need of urgent care have timely access to appropriate facilities.
  3. Provincial Recovery Communities: Direct the Minister of Health to explore options for the creation of provincially-funded recovery communities, and to invest in a comprehensive range of recovery programs that support individuals seeking long-term solutions to addiction and substance use disorders.
  4. Shelter and Housing Standards: Direct the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, in collaboration with relevant colleagues, to establish shelter unit minimums for each community in British Columbia, and to set minimum care and operational standards for sheltering and supportive housing facilities, considering the impact on neighbourhoods and local communities.
  5. Reforming BC Housing: Direct the Minister of Housing to implement reforms to BC Housing, including providing BC Housing with a new mandate to work urgently and proactively with municipalities, and establishing BC Housing as the leading agency responsible for sheltering and supportive housing solutions in the province.
  6. Support for Community Safety Plans: Direct the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, in collaboration with the Minister of State for Community Safety, to create funding and support for local governments developing or implementing community safety and well-being plans.
  7. Provincial Urban Safety Improvement: Direct the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General and the Minister of State for Community Safety to create a provincial urban downtown safety improvement plan, addressing the unique challenges faced by urban centers.
  8. Bail Reform and Court Efficiency: Direct the Attorney General to act on bail reform, and to immediately increase funding for provincial court services to enhance the speed and efficiency in which violent and repeat offenders are processed through the court system.
  9. Municipal Infrastructure Funding: Direct the Minister of Infrastructure to collaborate with the Minister of Housing, Municipal Affairs, and the Minister of State for Local Governments and Rural Communities to establish a municipal infrastructure funding program that supports the development and maintenance of essential infrastructure in communities across BC.
  10. Collaboration on Social Issues: Direct the Ministers of Health, Social Development and Poverty Reduction, Housing and Municipal Affairs, and Solicitor General to work collaboratively on the complex issues of poverty, encampments, community well-being, food security, mental health and addictions crises, and street disorder by establishing a roundtable, working group, or committee to address these challenges holistically and effectively.
  11. Expansion of Mental Health Response Programs: Direct the Minister of Health to expand the PACT/CLCR programs and advance civilian-led mental health response initiatives across British Columbia to ensure timely, effective, and compassionate responses to mental health crises.
  12. Cannabis Revenue Sharing: Direct the Minister of Finance to explore cannabis revenue sharing programs with local governments, ensuring that municipalities benefit from the revenue generated by cannabis sales to reinvest in local services and programs.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City of New Westminster send this motion to the provincial government, including relevant ministers, with the request for prompt action on these critical issues affecting communities across British Columbia.

Submitted by Councillor Minhas

WHEREAS it has been reported that select Mayors in the Metro Vancouver area can earn as much as the Prime Minister of Canada and significantly more than the Premier of British Columbia on an annual basis;
WHEREAS a large portion of income for a select group of Metro Vancouver elected officials includes work that is performed for other agencies, organizations and governing bodies funded by municipal taxpayers;
WHEREAS a significant portion of the additional income and payments made to Metro Vancouver elected officials is for work performed during regular business hours

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of New Westminster prepare a comprehensive annual financial report (starting in the 2024 calendar year) that details the total compensation received by Council members who serve on regional or provincial/national organizations, including but not limited to EComm911, Municipal Finance Authority, TransLink, and Metro Vancouver, Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and that this report be made accessible to the public; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the annual financial report provides a complete itemization of each Council member’s base salary and benefits, as well as per diems, stipends, allowances, retainers, expense reimbursements, and any other compensation associated with their roles.

Submitted by Councillor Fontaine

WHEREAS there has been significant growth in Queensborough over the past decade with the population now estimated at over 11,000 people; and

WHEREAS Queensborough high school students face significant challenges getting to and from New West Secondary School each day; and

WHEREAS the School District 40 has been asking for capital funding to construct a new high school in Queensborough since 2022; and

WHEREAS New West Secondary School is over capacity with more than 2600 students - making it the largest high school in British Columbia

BE IT RESOLVED THAT a letter be written to the Minister of Education in support of School District 40’s ongoing requests for site acquisition to build a new high school in Queensborough.

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  • Recommendation

    THAT the following bylaws be adopted:

To amend the Large Format Commercial Districts (C-10) zone to allow several additional uses at 805 Boyd Street (Queensborough Landing Shopping Centre).

Opposition at 1st/2nd/3rd Readings - None.

To remove the ability of the Chief Licence Inspector to identify temporary locations for food trucks and update the Bylaw's list of approved vending locations.

Opposition at 1st/2nd/3rd Readings - None.

To repeal the Shark Fin Regulation Bylaw as its provisions have been incorporated into the newly adopted Business Licence Bylaw No. 8473, 2024.

Opposition at 1st/2nd/3rd Readings - None.

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  • Recommendation

    THAT the meeting adjourn.



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