Meeting held electronically and open to public attendance
Council Chamber, City Hall

We recognize and respect that New Westminster is on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Halkomelem speaking peoples. We acknowledge that colonialism has made invisible their histories and connections to the land. As a City, we are learning and building relationships with the people whose lands we are on.


LIVE WEBCAST: Please note City Council Meetings, Public Hearings, Council Workshops and some Special City Council Meetings are streamed online and are accessible through the City’s website at  


The Mayor will open the meeting and provide a land acknowledgement.


As circulated or as amended (urgent/time sensitive matters only)


If Council decides, all the recommendations in the reports on the Consent Agenda can be approved in one motion, without discussion. If Council wishes to discuss a report, that report is removed from the Consent Agenda. A report may be removed in order to discuss it, because someone wants to vote against the report’s recommendation, or because someone has a conflict of interest with the report. Any reports not removed from the Consent Agenda are passed without discussion.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council adopt the recommendations for items # on consent.

The purpose of this report is to request that Council grant an exemption from the Construction Noise Bylaw to EllisDon Design Build to enable them to complete the exterior cladding work as part of the Royal Columbian Hospital Redevelopment Project at 330 East Columbia Street.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council grant a noise exemption to EllisDon Design Build from Construction Noise Bylaw No. 6063, 1992 from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM on Saturdays starting June 1, 2024 through to May 31, 2025 excluding statutory holidays and Saturday December 28, 2024 to enable work on exterior cladding at Royal Columbian Hospital site at 330 East Columbia Street, New Westminster.

The purpose of this report is to request that Council grant an exemption from the Construction Noise Bylaw to Marcon Construction Ltd. to enable a large concrete pour at 612 Seventh Avenue (formerly known at 616-640 Sixth Street).

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council grant a noise exemption to Marcon Construction Ltd. from Construction Noise Bylaw No. 6063, 1992 on Saturday June 15, 2024 or Saturday June 22, 2024 from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM to enable a large concrete pour at 612 Seventh Avenue, New Westminster.

The purpose of this report is to obtain Council’s approval to increase the Development Cost Charges (DCC) by 4.3% to partially compensate for inflation and escalating construction costs.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council instruct staff to bring forward the Development Cost Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 8456, 2024 for three readings as presented in Attachment #1 of this report.

To seek Council’s endorsement of the Queensborough Transportation Plan, as presented in Attachment 1 to this report.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council endorse the Queensborough Transportation Plan.

    THAT Council direct staff to undertake and report back on a procurement process for the next five-year operating period for the Q to Q Ferry to enable Council to make an informed decision on future operating funding for the service.

To report back to Council on the March 11, 2024 motion directing staff to evaluate the opportunity for the City to join the Provincial Electric Kick Scooter Pilot Program and to seek Council’s approval to prepare the City to join the program.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council direct staff to begin preparations for the City to join the Provincial Electric Kick Scooter Pilot Program.

    THAT Council direct staff to amend the Street and Traffic Bylaw (Bylaw No. 7664, 2015) to address the operation of electric kick scooters in the City.

    THAT Council direct staff to prepare and implement a communications plan to educate and inform the public regarding the safe and legal operation of electric kick scooters.

    THAT Council direct staff to develop a data collection program regarding electric kick scooter use in the City.

To report back to Council in response to its motion of April 8, 2024 to ensure that ground level retail spaces in new developments prioritize community-supporting businesses and organizations.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council receive this report and confirm that the April 8, 2024 motion is being addressed to its satisfaction.

The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the Council motion regarding “Supporting Child Care Development Across the City,” which calls for exploring opportunities to amend the City’s single detached residential zones to increase the permitted number of child care spaces.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council direct staff to explore opportunities to amend the City’s single detached residential zones to increase the permitted number of child care spaces as part of the implementation of the Province’s housing legislation.

For Council to endorse a revised application review process for the rezoning proposal for 88 Tenth Street (Columbia Square).

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council direct staff to work with the applicant to create an appropriate Zoning Amendment Bylaw for Council’s consideration within 2024, as outlined in this report.

The purpose of this report is to request that Council pass a resolution that train whistles should not be used at the Furness Street (near Duncan St) public at-grade rail crossing.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council, in accordance with section 3 of the Railway Safety Adopted Provisions Regulation B.C. Reg 210/2004 and section 23.1 of the Railway Safety Act (Canada), pass the following resolution:

    THAT New Westminster City Council directs that train whistles not occur in the area of the Furness Street at-grade crossing near Duncan Street at SRY Queensborough Spur Mile 0.80 in New Westminster.

This report provides Council with information on the rezoning application for 310 Blackley Street, and requests that Council consider the Zoning Amendment Bylaw for First, Second, and Third Readings.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council consider Zoning Amendment Bylaw (310 Blackley Street) No. 8450, 2024 for First, Second, and Third Readings.

This report provides Council with information on the revised development proposal for 1005 Ewen Avenue, and requests that Council abandon Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8103, 2019 and consider Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8452, 2024 for First, Second, and Third Readings.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council abandon Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8103, 2019.

    THAT Council consider Zoning Amendment Bylaw (1005 Ewen Avenue) No. 8452, 2024 for First, Second, and Third Readings.



To rezone 310 Blackley Street from M-1 (Light Industrial Districts) to RT-3A (Queensborough Townhouse Districts) so that the property can be developed at a later date in accordance with the Queensborough Eastern Neighbourhood Node Master Plan.  This bylaw is on the agenda for THREE READINGS.

Notice published May 17 and May 23, 2024.

To enable the development of 23 townhouse and duplex units and a commercial building at 1005 Ewen Avenue.  This bylaw is on the agenda for THREE READINGS.

Notice published May 17 and May 23, 2024.

A bylaw to make inflationary adjustments to the City's Development Cost Charges, which will be submitted to the Inspector of Municipalities prior to adoption. This bylaw is on the agenda for THREE READINGS.

To facilitate the development of 10 single-detached houses on compact lots. This bylaw is on the agenda for ADOPTION.

Submitted by Councillor Fontaine

Whereas on almost every measure BC’s drug decriminalization experiment has failed and the negative impacts are being felt across the province; and

Whereas it was critical that an adequate level of services such as drug treatment, rehabilitation, mental health and supportive housing should have been put in place prior to a decriminalization experiment being undertaken; and

Whereas this experiment is not easing the suffering nor reducing the deaths of people with addictions; and

Whereas the state of Oregon, which attempted a similar experiment, recently reversed course to reduce the impacts of a growing level of street disorder and illicit drug consumption in public spaces;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Mayor write a letter to the Premier and Minister of Mental Health and Addictions requesting they immediately halt the failed decriminalization experiment pilot project in BC.

Submitted by Councillor Campbell and Councillor Nakagawa

Whereas new provincial legislation is creating a path for increased development density around transit areas which will impact many more affordable New Westminster neighbourhoods due to our abundant transit services; and

Whereas Bill 16 (Housing Statutes Amendment Act) allows municipalities to enact tenant protection bylaws related to redevelopment, including within transit-oriented areas; and

Whereas tenants—especially those in older and more affordable rental housing—may be disproportionately impacted due to this new development; and

Whereas New Westminster has previously shown leadership in protecting vulnerable renters with strong actions to curtail demoviction and renoviction; and 

Whereas the regional housing market is reaching new levels of crisis, increasing the risk that existing tenants will lose access to adequate housing through displacement related to redevelopment;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of New Westminster update our tenant protection and relocation policies, using Burnaby’s as a model to provide support for tenants who may be displaced from their homes, including by redevelopment.

Submitted by Councillor Fontaine

Whereas a recent series of State of the City addresses by the current and past Mayor have taken place at a private venue that restricts entry only to those 19 years and older; and

Whereas the most recent State of the City address held on May 7th, 2024 was a ticketed event which also required people show government issued identification to enter the premises; and

Whereas the City of New Westminster is committed to supporting our youth and embracing inclusivity; and

Whereas other Mayors within our region ensure their State of the City address is held in an open, no-cost, low-barrier venue such as at City Hall;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council prohibit the Mayor from hosting future State of the City events that are not fully accessible to all members of the public free of charge.

Submitted by Councillor Minhas

Whereas the process, procedures and policies linked to the establishment of outdoor events in New Westminster has been described at complex, costly and a challenge to overcome; and

Whereas there is a desire on the part of the City to encourage more outdoor events on a regular basis throughout the year; and

Whereas it is good practice to regularly seek feedback from the community regarding whether there are opportunities to streamline our processes in order to reduce red tape;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council establish a citizen-based taskforce to review our policies, procedures and permit fees regarding how they may be impeding the development of new and/or putting into jeopardy existing outdoor events; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the taskforce make recommendations to Council regarding how we can streamline our processes and reduce red tape to help facilitate more outdoor events on a regular basis.

Submitted by Councillor Fontaine

Whereas Metro Vancouver’s North Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant project is now estimated to cost nearly $4 billion dollars, a massive cost overrun compared to the original $500 million dollar budget; and

Whereas the specific circumstances that led to one of the largest cost overruns of any public infrastructure project (on a percentage basis) are still mainly unknown; and

Whereby given Metro Vancouver is about to undertake several other mega projects that will cost Metro Vancouver taxpayers billions of dollars;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Mayor Patrick Johnstone, as our representative on Metro Vancouver, be asked to submit a motion to that governing body calling for a full, independent public inquiry into the North Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant cost overruns.

Submitted by Councillor Minhas

Whereas access to our City’s waterfront should be something accessible to all residents, regardless if they have mobility challenges or not; and

Whereas there are several City owned-operated elevators that connect our downtown to the waterfront which have been out of service for periods of several months at a time; and

Whereas a lack of elevator access can prove challenging for people with mobility difficulties to access our waterfront;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff report back to Council regarding the status of our City owned-operated elevators (connecting our downtown to the waterfront) over the past year including how many days they have been out of service; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff report back with an action plan to ensure that at least one City owned elevator always remains operable to ensure a minimum level of access to our waterfront.

To seek authority to enter into a project funding agreement with the BC Alliance for Healthy Living Society to purchase privacy screening and support specialized training for the delivery of:

  • All Bodies Swims - supporting the needs of the 2SLGBTQI+ community;
  • Women Only Swims – supporting the needs of women who feel uncomfortable in mixed-gender swimming areas for religious, cultural or personal reasons and;
  • Sensory Friendly Swims – supportive swims for those with neural processing sensitivities.
  • Recommendation:

    THAT the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Parks and Recreation be authorized to enter into the funding agreement with BC Alliance for Healthy Living Society as per Attachment 1 to support staff training and the City’s purchase of privacy screening for the creation new safe and inclusive swimming opportunities at the təməsew̓txʷ Aquatic and Community Centre .



*Some personal information is collected and archived by the City of New Westminster under Section 26(g)(ii) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and for the purpose of the City’s ongoing commitment to open and transparent government. If you have any questions about the collection of personal information please contact Legislative Services, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, V3L 1H9, 604-527-4523.

On April 16, 2024 the Government of Canada tabled a budget for the upcoming fiscal year and a three year plan. This report outlines the federal funding commitments over the three year fiscal plan that may be of interest to local governments.

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