Submitted by Councillor Fontaine and Councillor Minhas
Whereas the City of New Westminster has a rich history and connectivity with the Fraser River; and
Whereas providing better access to the Fraser River for our residents, businesses and tourists will help generate increased economic activity; and
Whereas other cities have supported their tourism strategies by developing walkways and user-pay public moorage in their rivers to allow pleasure craft to better access local merchants; and
Whereas the Fraser River has generated economic activity for the City of New Westminster since we were established in 1860; and
Whereas the Fraser River has a deep and spiritual connection with Indigenous peoples throughout British Columbia; and
Whereas residents and tourists can only view the Fraser River and have very few options to access it in a safe manner
Whereas it has been the City’s position that “the Riverfront is the City’s most significant cultural, economic and natural asset. It is home to vibrant and diverse public spaces, high quality recreation, business and housing, and significant natural features. It is an integral component of the local economy, providing employment, services and tourism opportunities while providing a living link to the city’s past; and
Whereas it was further stated “our Riverfront Vision is to seamlessly connect our riverfront - while respecting existing industry - through a continuous system of greenways and parks that run the length of the city and provide improved connections from our neighbourhoods to the river for residents, businesses and visitors alike. Along with enhanced access and facilities, the Riverfront’s recreation and tourism potential will be realized through public spaces and activities that generate widespread interest and are welcoming for all ages and abilities at all times during the year.”
Whereas in 2017 Council endorsed a conceptual design to construct an accessible floating greenway in the Fraser River connecting Sapperton and our Pier Park downtown by 2024 which was done in partnership with Translink
BE IT RESOLVED that staff report back to Council regarding opportunities to provide increased direct access and connectivity to the Fraser River for our citizens and tourists; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we identify opportunities and possible funding sources to plan and develop additional user-pay pleasure craft moorage on our City’s waterfront; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff be asked to identify possible new access points for a user-pay pleasure craft launch facility; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff identify the costs, challenges and opportunities of establishing a walkable link along the waterfront between Sapperton and Pier Park; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff prepare a key stakeholder consultation strategy to be presented to Council as part of this review; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff report to Council regarding the necessary budget, possible sources of funding and resources required to undertake the work as noted above