THAT Council consider Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 8279, 2022 to authorize the City to enter into a Housing Agreement with the property owner to require that all residential units at 508 Eighth Street be secured as market rental housing for First, Second and Third Readings.
THAT Council, should the Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 8279, 2022 be adopted, direct the Mayor and Corporate Officer to execute the Housing Agreement.
THAT Council provide notice that it will consider issuance of a Development Variance Permit (DVP00692) to reduce the number of required off-street parking spaces by 45% from the Zoning Bylaw requirements for secured market rental.
THAT Council endorse that five long-term bicycle parking spaces and six short-term bicycle parking spaces be included as part of the Development Permit application for 508 Eighth Street, should the Development Variance Permit (DVP00692) be approved by Council.