COMMUNITY HERITAGE COMMISSION AGENDAWednesday, March 02, 2022 at 6:00 P.m. - 8:00 P.m.Meeting held electronically and open to public attendanceCouncil Chamber, City HallWe recognize and respect that New Westminster is on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Halkomelem speaking peoples. We acknowledge that colonialism has made invisible their histories and connections to the land. As a City, we are learning and building relationships with the people whose lands we are on.1.CALL TO ORDER AND LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Chair will open the meeting and provide a land acknowledgement.2.EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC MOTION:THAT pursuant to Section 90 of the Community Charter, members of the public be excluded from the Closed Meeting of Committee immediately following the Regular Meeting of Committee on the basis that the subject matter of all agenda items to be considered related to matters listed under Sections 90(1) (m): 90 (1) (m) a matter that, under another enactment, is such that the public may be excluded from the meeting. 3.CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Additions or deletion of items.4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS 4.1February 2, 2022 1.CHC 2022 Feb 2 Minutes.pdf5.REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS Staff and guest reports and presentations for information, discussion, and/or action5.1Museums and Archives Advisory Group Liaison Representative 5.2Vimy Oak Interpretive Text 1.Vimy Oak draft text.pdf5.3Komagata Maru Perimeter Walk and Dock Interpretive Text 1.Komagata Maru Interpretive Text Presentation.pdf2.Komagata Maru Perimeter Trail and Dock Naming Interpretive Panel.pdf5.4Climate Action Planning and Development - Orientation 5.5Heritage Terms: Glossary 1.Heritage Terms Glossary CHC Memo 2022 Mar 1 - 2022-121.pdf2.Attachment A Heritage Terms Glossary.pdfTo provide the Commission with a glossary of terms and acronyms typically used in heritage planning. 5.6Heritage Revitalization Agreement Application: 802 & 806 Eighth Street and 809 Eighth Avenue 1.802-806 Eighth St and 809 Eighth Ave - CHC Report - 2022-122.pdf2.Appendix A - Site Context Map(1).pdf3.Appendix B - Drawing Package (Select).pdf4.Appendix C - Project Statistics and Proposed Relaxations.pdf5.Appendix D - Photos of 802 Eighth Street.pdf6.Appendix E - Photos of 809 Eighth Avenue.pdf7.Appendix F - Heritage Conservation Plan and Statement of Significance.pdfTo review the application’s heritage elements and provide a recommendation to Council.5.7Heritage Review (Demolition): 1428 Tenth Avenue 1.Heritage Review (Demolition) 1428 Tenth Ave - 2022-112.pdf2.Appendix A - Site Context Map.pdf3.Appendix B- Heritage Assessment.pdfTo review the heritage value of the building and provide a recommendation on demolition.6.UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS 6.1Election of Alternate Chair 7.NEW BUSINESS Items added to the agenda at the beginning of the meeting.8.UPCOMING MEETINGS Remaining scheduled meetings, which take place at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted: April 6 May 4 June 1 July 6 September 7 October 4 November 2 December 7 9.END OF MEETING No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Heritage Terms Glossary CHC Memo 2022 Mar 1 - 2022-121.pdf2.Attachment A Heritage Terms Glossary.pdf1.Heritage Review (Demolition) 1428 Tenth Ave - 2022-112.pdf2.Appendix A - Site Context Map.pdf3.Appendix B- Heritage Assessment.pdf1.802-806 Eighth St and 809 Eighth Ave - CHC Report - 2022-122.pdf2.Appendix A - Site Context Map(1).pdf3.Appendix B - Drawing Package (Select).pdf4.Appendix C - Project Statistics and Proposed Relaxations.pdf5.Appendix D - Photos of 802 Eighth Street.pdf6.Appendix E - Photos of 809 Eighth Avenue.pdf7.Appendix F - Heritage Conservation Plan and Statement of Significance.pdf1.CHC 2022 Feb 2 Minutes.pdf1.Komagata Maru Interpretive Text Presentation.pdf2.Komagata Maru Perimeter Trail and Dock Naming Interpretive Panel.pdf1.Vimy Oak draft text.pdf