Submitted by Councillor Fontaine
Whereas the Samson V museum is currently shrink wrapped on New Westminster’s waterfront and has undergone major repairs over the past several years due to damage incurred as a result of a pesky pigeon problem; and
Whereas the draft 5-year capital plan calls for significantly more tax dollars be invested in repairing and maintaining this civic museum which will continue to be severely impacted by outdoor weather conditions; and
Whereas this important part of our history deserves to be respected, kept in pristine condition and fully accessible to tourists, local citizens and students;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff report back on the costs, potential sources of funding and operational impacts associated with temporarily placing the Samson V in dry dock to repair and restore the vessel for public viewing; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff report back on options to find a permanent indoor home for the Samson V adjacent to or on our waterfront as part of a possible pier expansion and/or long-term tourism strategy; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff consult with the Fraser River Discovery Center and other key stakeholders and report back regarding the opportunity and costs associated with undertaking a pilot program that would permit short-term pleasure craft usage at the moorage vacated by the Samson V