Queensborough Community Centre - Multipurpose Room 1
920 Ewen Avenue

We recognize and respect that New Westminster is on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Halkomelem speaking peoples. We acknowledge that colonialism has made invisible their histories and connections to the land. As a City, we are learning and building relationships with the people whose lands we are on.


LIVE WEBCAST: Please note City Council Meetings, Public Hearings, Council Workshops and some Special City Council Meetings are streamed online and are accessible through the City’s website at  

The Mayor will open the meeting and provide a land acknowledgement.

As circulated or as amended (urgent/time sensitive matters only)

If Council decides, all the recommendations in the reports on the Consent Agenda can be approved in one motion, without discussion. If Council wishes to discuss a report, that report is removed from the Consent Agenda. A report may be removed in order to discuss it, because someone wants to vote against the report’s recommendation, or because someone has a conflict of interest with the report. Any reports not removed from the Consent Agenda are passed without discussion.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council adopt the recommendations for items # on consent.

To seek Council’s approval of the Permissive Tax Exemption applications to be considered in the 2025 Permissive Property Tax Exemption Bylaw. The permissive exemption is for the 2025 year.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council give 2025 Permissive Property Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 8474, 2024 (Attachment A) first, second and third readings.

To seek Council’s approval in principle for the proposed changes to the fees and rates bylaws to accommodate the changes recommended by staff in their review of user fees and rates; and provide direction to staff on changes to the related bylaws.

  • Recommendation:
    1. THAT Council approve in principle the proposed changes in fees and rates; and

    2. THAT Council direct staff to prepare and report back with the necessary amendment bylaws.

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an update on work completed to date on modernizing the Business Licence Bylaw, and seek endorsement on the next step of proceeding with consultation.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council endorse the next steps as outlined in this report.

The purpose of this report is to request an exemption from Construction Noise Bylaw No. 6063, 1992 to Metro Vancouver’s contractor AquaCoustic Remote Technologies Inc. to perform preventative maintenance of the sewer lines at 220 Salter Street

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council grant an exemption from Construction Noise Bylaw No. 6063, 1992 to Metro Vancouver’s contractor AquaCoustic Remote Technologies Inc. for two weeknights between Tuesday, September 24, 2024 and Thursday, October 24, 2024 from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays to perform overnight video and sonar inspections of the sewer lines at 220 Salter Street.

The purpose of this report is threefold: (1) to provide an update on the Council motion regarding “Tenant Protections,” which calls for an update to the City’s Tenant Relocation Policy using Burnaby’s Tenant Assistance Policy as a model; (2) to propose next steps for undertaking the work in question and to detail related work program implications; and (3) to outline possible financial implications.

  • Recommendation:
    1. THAT Council direct staff to update the City’s Tenant Relocation Policy using Burnaby’s Tenant Assistance Policy as a model to provide greater support for tenants who may be displaced from their homes, including through redevelopment.

    2. THAT Council direct staff to pause work related to the Homelessness Needs Assessment in order to prioritize work on updating the City’s Tenant Relocation Policy.

The purpose of the Community Works Fund Agreement (the “Agreement”) between the City and the Union of BC Municipalities is to continue to provide dedicated funds to each BC local government for investments in local infrastructure and capacity-building project priorities.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Corporate Officer to execute the 2024-2034 Community Works Fund Agreement included as Attachment 1.



Certain properties within New Westminster such as places of worship, hospitals, and those with charitable/philanthropic uses are eligible for an exemption from property taxes. This bylaw lists the properties proposed to be exempted in 2025. This bylaw is on the agenda for THREE READINGS.

Submitted by Councillor Campbell and Councillor Henderson

  1. WHEREAS New Westminster residents have expressed concerns that unsolicited flyers showing graphic images of aborted fetuses are being delivered to homes and causing harm; and
  2. WHEREAS a number of Canadian municipalities in Alberta and Ontario have established bylaws that; and
  3. WHEREAS in accordance with British Columbia’s Community Charter, Section 8 (3) (i) A council may, by bylaw, regulate, prohibit and impose requirements in relation to public health; and
  4. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT that staff provide council with proposed bylaw amendments to require all print collateral delivered to any premises or distributed to the public that shows, or appear to show, a graphic image of a fetus be delivered in a sealed opaque envelope with a graphic content warning, identify the name and address of the sender, and include measures to ensure individuals are not inadvertently exposed to graphic content on a leaflet, pamphlet, paper, booklet, postcard, or any other printed collateral.

Submitted by Councillor Nakagawa

  1. WHEREAS Local Government Associations, the Union of BC Municipalities, and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities advocate for issues that impact their member municipalities; and
  2. WHEREAS municipal Mayors and Councillors are financially supported to attend these conferences in order to advocate on behalf of their local constituents, yet there is no way for constituents to know how their elected representatives vote on motions and resolutions,
  3. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of New Westminster submit the following resolution to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association: "THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Lower Mainland Local Government Association begins tracking and reporting how attendees vote on motions and resolutions and that they submit a motion to UBCM and FCM advocating for those organizations to do the same."

Submitted by Councillor Minhas

  1. WHEREAS Canada Day offers the City of New Westminster an opportunity to celebrate and bring residents together in celebration and reflection; and
  2. WHEREAS the Pier Park location for Canada Day festivities currently offers little opportunity for shade on hot days which often occur in early July; and
  3. WHEREAS Queen’s Park has played host to previous Canada Day celebrations and offers more opportunities to keep participants cool on hot summer days;
  4. BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff seek feedback from the public through our Be Heard system regarding their preference for the 2025 Canada Day festivities and celebrations; and
  5. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT several locations across the City be offered to the public as a potential site for the 2025 Canada Day festivities including at least one site in Queensborough.

Submitted by Councillor Fontaine

  1. WHEREAS lobbyist registries are intended to provide a public record that is accessible to residents of interactions between public servants, elected officials and lobbyists and to allow for rules regarding lobbyists to be enforced; and
  2. WHEREAS British Columbia does not currently allow municipalities to use the provincial lobbyist registry nor does it extend the legal authorities municipalities would need to enforce lobbyist rules with a local registry; and
  3. WHEREAS it is important for a functional local democracy that any lobbying efforts by entities such as corporations, labour unions, foreign governments or other similar foreign-based organizations be recorded and publicly reported in a timely manner
  4. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City request the Province immediately take one of the following two actions:
    1. The Province amend the Lobbyist Registration Act to cover the City of New Westminster and other similar mid-to-large-sized cities and administer the regulation of lobbying in the city; OR,
    2. The Province amend the Community Charter to allow the City to establish a lobbyist registry and give the City the legal authority to register lobbyists, create rules for lobbyists’ conduct in their interactions with elected officials and public servants, as well as the power to enforce those rules. In addition, the Province further empower the Provincial Registrar of Lobbyists to work with the City to share information so as to reduce duplication and costs for both orders of government.



*Some personal information is collected and archived by the City of New Westminster under Section 26(g)(ii) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and for the purpose of the City’s ongoing commitment to open and transparent government. If you have any questions about the collection of personal information please contact Legislative Services, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, V3L 1H9, 604-527-4523.

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