Regular Council for Workshop

Council Chamber, Second Floor & Zoom
New Westminster City Hall, 511 Royal Avenue

We recognize and respect that New Westminster is on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Halkomelem speaking peoples. We acknowledge that colonialism has made invisible their histories and connections to the land. As a City, we are learning and building relationships with the people whose lands we are on.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the Agenda for the March 3, 2025 Regular Council for Workshop meeting be approved.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the Minutes of the Regular Council for Workshop meeting held on January 20, 2025 be adopted as circulated.

This report provides an overview of the Draft Strategic Directions, Recommendations and Actions to be included in the updated Parks & Recreation Plan (“the Plan”).

  • Recommendation

    THAT the draft List of Strategic Directions, Recommendations and Actions towards a 10-Year Implementation Plan (to 2035) be endorsed for inclusion in the forthcoming updated Parks and Recreation Plan, as outlined in the report titled “Parks and Recreation Plan – Council Workshop on Draft Strategic Directions, Recommendations and Actions”  dated March 3, 2025 from the Director, Parks and Recreation.

To report back on a proposed resolution for submission to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association on lobbyist registration.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the proposed resolution titled “Lobbyist Registration” included as Attachment 1 to the staff report titled “Response to Notice of Motion: Lobbyist Registration” from the Corporate Officer, dated March 3, 2025, be endorsed for submission to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association.

  • Recommendation

    THAT the meeting adjourn.


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